Monday, February 23, 2009

Pictures as promised

Sarah and Ryan, Mckenna and Aunt Barbara. Mckenna is showing Ryan how big he will be around her birthday.

Ryan has had just about enough of being the center of attention.

Caitlin and Mckenna, Ryan and Chad - It is really hard to get a close up of Ryan and his dad when Dad is waaaay up there.

Ryan just waking up from a snooze.

New Week

We had a busy and fun weekend. All week long the weather guru's had been predicting "a major snow event". It actually turned into a minor snow event with lots of wind and "freezing fog" which caused the 3 inches of snow to blow and freeze on the roads. I want to be a weather person - they keep their job even when they are totally wrong!

Caitlin, Herb, and Mckenna came to visit - they spent the night. We watched Mckenna while Cait and Herb went out with friends. She was a good girl but was looking for her mama all the time. It is amazing how much she loves Gus. The more in her face he is the more she laughs and giggles. I gave her a dill pickle but to my disappointment she loved it - not even a funny face - just wanted MORE.

Sunday we made waffles, we being Jim, for breakfast and then Jim and Herb loaded up Ashleigh's mattress and took it to Caitlin's for "storage" and moved the mattress which was on their bed to Sharon's old room at Mom and Dad's for storage. While all the mattress swapping was going on Caitlin, Mckenna and I went to Sue and Jenny's to meet Ryan and visit with Chad and Sarah. It was fun to meet Ryan and see Mckenna's reaction to all the kids - Carolyn and Steve were there with their kids also. I will post some pictures this evening.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weekend at the cabin

Ice crystals in the creek on the way to Jim & Steve's blind. It was very clear and cold and the ice formations along the creek were so beautiful. I know the picture doesn't really do it justice but you get the idea.

The mighty snowshoers on the way to Jim's blind. We really had a lot of fun snowshoeing. Don thought it was the first time he had actually worn the snowshoes he made. The snow was perfect for shoeing and for the first time in a long time I was able to go to all the blinds (Jim, Don, Steve, Tom, and Jerry's) and not worry too much about getting tripped up in all the underbrush. Following some of the deer trails was a little tricky but we managed - Jim was sure we were trying to kill him the 2nd day out but he made it. You know I was tired when sitting down in the outhouse in 20 degrees felt good!

Gus enjoyed the weekend at the cabin so much he gave Jim a big kiss! It was clear and sunny all three days and we all wondered why we don't go up in the winter more often - aside from the distance. Gary told us we missed the "big snow" by about 2 weeks. We were also surprised to see the parcel across the road from us had been logged. Gary said it took them about 10 days. The pulled the last truck full of logs out on Saturday. Doris will be sitting in a field if she goes over to the pond to read now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Vaction Photos

Some highlights of our travels so far. We had a wonderful dinnertime visit with Ashleigh but no photos. She posted good photos of her house, room and herself on her blog. Having a rainy wekend but CA is desperately low on water so nobody is complaining. Love Grandma/Mother

Andy & Dana, David & Kyla

Andy blowing out his candles.

Brian doing a flip on the trampoline.

Chichen Itza, Mexico. Climbing the stairs is no longer allowed. I would not have done it anyway!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gus and Caitlin

So Mckenna and I went to visit Grandma and Grandpa for the day and well you can see by these pics Gus and I had a visit ourselves. He's a big guy but I love em he is so much fun to play with and Mckenna thinks he is the best!