This morning I went for a walk right after breakfast. I was pleasantly surprised that some things were blooming even though it was very overcast. Actually it is sprinkling. There were 8 cars parked at the trail head. More than I have ever seen. I came across a group of photographers and a group of birders. The photographers were all gathered around my favorite spot to take pictures of wildflowers.
I also met a guy on the trail with earphones blaring. I can't imagine that what he was listening to was better than what I was hearing all around me. The frogs were croaking, the raindrops hitting the dry leaves kept a steady beat, the geese honking and crows calling back and forth, the deer splashing and crashing through the swampy water, the breeze in the trees. It doesn't get much better than that.
The trillium is poking through and will probably be blooming when we get some sun again Wednesday and the May apples are up about 3 inches. I didn't see any Jack-in-the-pulpit but there are usually a lot in that area. I will go back on Wednesday before work and check it out. It is still a pleasant walk since the mosquitoes are not buzzing around yet. Once they hatch it is just miserable down there. You have to make a choice between the beauty of nature and whether you want to be some insects dinner.
Yesterday was Ayla's first softball game. It was a perfect day for that. She had a couple of hits, scored once, got left on base once, and her team won. Mckenna had fun cheering for her - actually she cheered whenever anyone did regardless who they were rooting for. Today Caitlin and Mckenna are coming down and we are all headed to a baby shower.