Cynthia finished crocheting projects. Mckenna's dress flares when she spins around. Cynthia's scarf is a very nice accent.
On the shore of Lake Huron. Rene, Audra, Addie, Matt, Heidi, Doris. Zack is the brave one out in the lake, Matt joined him soon and they got completely wet, head to toe. Molly, the mermaid, is sitting on a rock further down the shore.
The porch was built around the tree but there was little growth room left so it was cut down. There were some anxious moments but finally Jim's 4 wheeler and chain pulled it the right direction and it fell just where it was supposed to. The stump was cut off at stool height, a table top may be added to it later.

Don did all the splitting, a HOT job on an 80* day! Stacking will wait for deer season and cooler temperatures. It proved to be a wonderful Jessup family reunion with 21 there. Cynthia planned the meals which were just right . The young crowd enjoyed 4 wheeler rides and getting to drive one too. Dave's blind had blown down but with all the manpower to help it was quickly repaired. The brakes on Dave's 4 wheeler froze but Don and Jim were able to make temporary repairs, then loading it on the truck it broke the back window out! Many bushels of apples were taken to the woods, shooting lanes were brushed out. Games of Pedro, Oh Heck, rummy filled the evenings--one Pedro game until 11:30p.m. We missed those of you who couldn't be there.