Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Officially Old

The news from the doctor today was not very encouraging. I went in because my knee was so swollen, aspirated 125cc of fluid off it. In the last 7 months I have lost 1/3 of the space where there should be cartilage and he anticipates I will be bone on bone by the end of the year. It felt good when I left but now that the numbing has worn off not so hot! We had the following conversation while looking at my x-ray,

Dr. - So I don't understand why you are complaining about your knee.
Me - It is swollen don't you think.
Dr. - Yes, but your left hip is toast! I would think that bothers you every step.
Me - It has its days
Dr. - I imagine
Me - What are my options?
Dr - Let's just say when you are ready for a hip replacement call and I will fit you in right away.
Me - Can we do double duty? L hip R knee at the same time.
Dr - NO

Now I have to figure out what would be a good time to have that done.

I thought only old ladies had hip replacements! Keep your sarcastic comments to yourself!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sean is Growing

I took Sean to his 2 month check up on Friday and he is 25inches long which is 2ft 1inch, yup that's right my 2 month old is over 2 ft already. Also he weighs 15 pounds already. The doctors said he's like the size of a 5-6 month old. So if anyone is shocked we are going to have another tall guy in the family, but I really don't think that is much of a shocker.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More snow to push around

It is a sad day when your tummy drags in the snow. I need longer legs.

Snowy Morning

Grand Valley didn't have school today which is awesome. So instead of going to class I spent some of my morning shoveling. Thought everyone (especially the Grants) might want to see the true after effects of a blizzard in west Michigan. We got about 14 inches and drifting was really bad.