Thursday, March 20, 2008

Benefits of No Television

I highly recommend Ashleigh's recommendation to get rid of your TV. I have now been without a TV for 2 weeks and am getting so much more done each day. And just like she says after 2 weeks you don't really miss it all that much. We still have the TV in the basement but Jim and I don't watch the same types of things so I rarely venture down there. I do miss the morning news but NPR fills that need nicely on the drive in.

One major benefit has been I am reading a lot more. I just finished Grave Matters by Harris, an Ashleigh recommendation, which is about American funeral practices. If you make it through the first chapter, which gives a blow by blow of the embalming process, you are good to go. I learned a lot about the after death process and was quite amazed at the options we have. Just so everyone knows I do NOT want to be embalmed, viewed, or buried in a conventional cemetery taking up valuable real estate. You are welcome to have me cremated and spread my ashes somewhere nice, lay me out in some natural setting, or even mold me into a reef ball. If you would like to read the book let me know and I can pass it on to you as I have it on loan from Ashleigh.

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