Friday, April 18, 2008

Awesome Flowers

So by now most of you have heard I spent the day Tuesday in the emergency room after passing out at work. All is fine now and I am back to work but need to have some follow-up done on my thyroid which seems to have decided to cease normal function and that causes a whole host of other issues. All that being said I gave the guys at work a real scare! Wednesday I came back from lunch to find this floral arrangement on my desk. The president of the company went and picked it out himself. I had to ask Kristin if no one told him I survived. This thing took up my whole desk! Would have looked great on a banquet table as the centerpiece. Not that I am complaining cause it is awesome. Guess he was afraid I might not be around for the shareholder meeting coming up. At least I know they would miss me.

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