Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Good News

Since my hip replacement surgery my activities have slowed down considerably. I am so glad to have the surgery behind me and I am improving every day. Dr. Sladek gave me a good two week report this morning. X-rays looked excellent, the 39 staples were removed from the incision and my large, padded bandage was replaced with a thin one just for the rest of today. It is much more comfortable without the padding and staples. My physical therapist comes three times a week and puts me through a routine, Dad/Grandpa does it seven days a week. Yesterday I started walking out to the end of the driveway twice a day. I also baked cookies and did some ironing so I'm slowly getting back to normal activities. Best of all, I feel wonderful and walk more comfortably than I have in months.

Dad/Grandpa is also busy getting Sue and Jenny's new house started. The basement was dug on Monday and today men are there working on the foundation. Granite Construction is doing the job so Don and Dad/Grandpa have shared the responsibilities. I think Dad is happy to have a construction job to help with.

Hope as time goes on more family members will contribute their news here. Each one of you is so special and an important part of the family. Love, Grandma/Mother

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