Here is the mama. Finally met her match. She destroyed the first trap and rescued one of the babies.

Here she is peering down from the live trap in the attic. She was very scared of course and pretty mad. I didn't know raccoons barked like a dog and hissed like a cat.

Here are 3 of the four babies. They are between 2 and 3 weeks old. This was earlier in the day during the first attempt. They were in the soffet over the refridgerator. The accepted practice is to nab the babies and use them as bait for the adult. The little ones are put in the back of the cage and seperated from the main compartment by a mesh wall. The mama is supposed to come in and attempt to retrieve the babies but is then unable to get out. In our case the mama was so big she didn't fit all the way in the cage so when the door to lock her in came down it hit her butt and she just backed out with one of the babies. When the Kritter Getter came back this evening he brought a stronger cage which was longer and once we retrieved the babies, which had been moved to the other side of the house we were successful. It is actually pretty quiet overhead now. This particular company is a no-kill company (unless the animals are ill) and the animals are released back into the wild. We made sure it was far from here - rather it be someone elses problem.
We are planning on mowing the lawn this weekend and going for a bike ride on the Fallingwaters Trail over in Jackson. Sunday Caitlin is throwing a baby shower for her sister-in-law so I am in charge of Mckenna.
Headed to bed for a quiet nights sleep! Yea!
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