Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend in Phoenix

As I last wrote, Dana and I went to Phoenix over the weekend. My dad is from Arizona and thus I have family in the area. I stayed with the mother of one of my classmates who was more than hospitable giving Dana and I her car for the weekend. Saturday evening we had dinner with my uncle and aunt. It was good to catch up as I hadn't seen my uncle for a number of years and had never met my aunt. Sunday morning we had our swim meet. The meet consisted of about 30 swimmers and most of them were over the age of 30. Dana and I were the center of attention and all the swimmers were excited to have us there.

To make the meet a fun competition, Dana and I had a list of the National Records for all our events and wanted to see who could break the most. Well we combined for 10 total but she got 6 of them, beating me by 2. Her 2 extra came in the way of getting the 50-yard records on the way to getting the 100 Free and 100 Fly records.

There was a nice article written up about it here at Swimming World Magazine's website.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Thanks Andy - I also didn't realize it was just this weekend and I didn't really give you a chance.