Mckenna & Nana planting flowers for Caitlin. Mckenna especially enjoyed the digging in the dirt part the best!

It was pretty windy and not too warm but sliding is good in any kind of weather!

Tonight Gus found a nest of newborn wild rabbits. I think there are 5. This is the adventurer of the group and the one Gus found first. Luckily I was right there and all he did was sniff at him.

If you look closely you can see the sleepy newborn. Their eyes are not open yet and their ears are still laid back along their heads. I think they weren't afraid of Gus because the nest is lined with dog hair! They are about 6 inches long when all stretched out.
Don't you just love spring?!?
1 comment:
OMG my Mckenna is so frick'in adorable
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