Mary, Doris and Carol, sisters-in-law. Each of us thinks we got the best brother!!

Charlie, Tom, Carol and Debbie.

Mike and Laura came to help me decorate gingerbread boys. David, Andy and Liane probably do not know my Christmas tradition of giving everyone a gingerbread boy at some family Christmas gathering. Long ago, when you were here for Christmas, Don remembers biting the head off Brian's gingerbread boy when Brian looked the other way. I used to hang the cookies on the Christmas tree until I discovered Don crawled behing the tree and ate the cookie off the branches leaving only the head. I really appreciate the help with the decorating. Barbara joined us for lunch. Don, Stephen, Jim and Dave are up at the cabin for a wintry weekend.

The finished product. Delicious and cute! Merry Christmas week to all.
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