The Conservancy is an interesting place to walk because there is such a clash of sounds there. As Gus and I left the river banks the Canadian Geese, Ducks, and Cranes were just leaving the open fields and flying up the river. The honking, quacking, and whooping was deafening drowning out the sounds of civilization just a short distance away. As I walked along the trail you could hear the school buses in the distance along with a train whistle. The cars over on Sharon Valley Road rumbling over the bridge at times sounded like they were coming up behind us. Not too far away a tractor headed to the field with hay for the cows who bellowed a welcome to the farmer. Back on the trail the deer were running from Gus who gave half-hearted chase and the birds were serenading us with a joyous greeting to Spring.
And speaking of serenading Ayla did a wonderful job at her first violin concert. The Dexter orchestra program is quite impressive. We all enjoyed the evening very much. Ayla told us she was very nervous but it didn't show. She seems to really enjoy the violin and her Grandpa Mahony told me it came from his side of the family. He has a cousin who is/was a concert violinist.
Have a wonderful day and get outside and enjoy the warmer weather.