I had a great birthday party yesterday. Everyone was here by 3:00. Mom/Grandma, Ayla, and I played Scrabble - Ayla won. There was a pretty active Croquet game and some of us played a ball tossing game. Jim cooked Polish Kielbasa and hamburgs on the grill and we had chips, bean salad, and for dessert yummy strawberry shortcake and homemade ice cream. (Don, how come there are NO chips left?) After dinner we played Pedro. Jim's sister watched and never really did totally understand it which was surprising because she plays a lot of cards and usually is a quick study. Just shows how our version makes very little sense to the serious card players.
Our plan for Caitlin to take the lawn mower back last night didn't pan out since it refused to start. Now the mower is finally running after new spark plugs and a new pull rope. After Jim changed the plugs and went to pull the rope it snapped in two. Honestly why doesn't any of this ever happen when Caitlin and Herb have the mower??????
The picture below shows how much rainwe got last night after everyone left. It rained really hard and for a pretty long time needless to say.
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