Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Valid Reasons

You know all those things your parents tell you and you blindly believe them because they must know best. On a list of 50 ways to beat the Reaper #21 was Don't pee in the ocean. Why not you ask. Because Bodily fluids attract sharks. Who knew. I thought it was only blood and guts that got their attention. Or maybe flopping around like a little fishy. I wonder what else my parents told me was based in scientific fact. mmmmmmmmm

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Life as Great Grandma

My first week as Great Grandma has sped along. At three days old Mckenna came to my birthday party! The homemade ice cream and Key Lime Bundt Cake were delicious but she didn't get any. I told Caitlin that the new mother of today is made of stronger stuff that I was! I am enjoying my digital picture frame and shared it with friends. My next step is to learn how to add photos. I hope I can keep up with the technology.

Barbara is out of the hospital and she and Don are staying at Hope Lodge until they come home on Tuesday. She and Don notice improvement everyday. Stephen and Michael were here for dinner today. Laura chose to go to the movie with friends.

I am trusting that my recovery from this hip replacement will go as well as it did two years ago. I'll work at it real hard. I've requested one of the new Tower rooms at Sparrow. Best wishes to you all, Love, Grandma/Mother

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mckenna 6 days old

Just so you didn't think she was good all the time. Plus it shows off her wrinkles in her forehead. A Jessup thing I think.

She likes to sleep in her Moses basket which was a gift from the finance director at NovoD. She didn't care for Caitlin trying to get her to turn her head though.

I thought she looked a lot like those dolls you see advertised in Good Housekepping magazine. She is changing every day and Caitlin is doing a wonderful job with her. She seems to eat constantly but then she surprises you and sleeps for 3 or 4 hours straight.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ready for the closeup

There now you can see something beside the blankets. Mckenna is about 12 hours old in this picture, has had a bath, and is ready to meet her family. She had visits from all her grandparents, great-grandma & pa Jessup, Uncle Andy (Herb's brother), her great aunts Cindy and Barbara and her Mom's best friend Aimee. She is hoping to go home Sunday and sleep in her own bed.

Friday, July 11, 2008

more pictures

Baby Mckenna Nicole

Born July 12, 2008 approximately 1:00 a.m. 6 lbs 13.6 oz 20.5 inches long

Everyone is doing great!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Bathroom Almost Done

The pictures do not do it justice! The color is actually terra cotta more like a clay flower pot. Jim and I are very pleased with the way things turned out and we each love having our own medicine cabinet. We are still waiting on towel rods and a TP holder. There are a few accessory things I would like to get one being some sort of "art piece" to hang between the 2 medicine cabinets. Something in keeping with the nature theme of the photo and the tumbeled stonepiece dad made for me. Good thing the Ann Arbor Art Fair is coming up in a couple of weeks!

This is the cactus which grows outside our front door. I did not remember it having bloomed before but Ashleigh reminded me that it did the very first summer we lived here. She used to play behind the bushes and discovered the cactus there with a flower on it then. I don't think it has bloomed since however the blossom only lasts about 2 days so I could have missed it.

I took this picture of a tiger lily along the creek at Mom and Dad's. They look so nice there and there are so many of them.

Hope you are all enjoying the long holiday weekend. We couldn't have asked for better weather here in Michigan.

Next week is the Manchester Fair so Jim will be busy there most every evening. He is going to be without his truck most of the week due to some body work that is being done so it will be interesting to see how we manage with only one vehicle. I may try biking into work or making use of the new bus service from Chelesea to Ann Arbor.

Have a great week.