Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring has arrived

Well this is not really a spring like picture but it turned out pretty good in my opinion. It is taken from the end of the trail at the Conservancy down the River Raisin.
Spring Beauty (right mom) I stand corrected - this is NOT a Spring Beauty but neither Mom or I can find it in our book. I am going back to get a better look at the leaf when it stops raining.

Dutchman's Breeches
Marsh Marigold

This morning I went for a walk right after breakfast. I was pleasantly surprised that some things were blooming even though it was very overcast. Actually it is sprinkling. There were 8 cars parked at the trail head. More than I have ever seen. I came across a group of photographers and a group of birders. The photographers were all gathered around my favorite spot to take pictures of wildflowers.

I also met a guy on the trail with earphones blaring. I can't imagine that what he was listening to was better than what I was hearing all around me. The frogs were croaking, the raindrops hitting the dry leaves kept a steady beat, the geese honking and crows calling back and forth, the deer splashing and crashing through the swampy water, the breeze in the trees. It doesn't get much better than that.

The trillium is poking through and will probably be blooming when we get some sun again Wednesday and the May apples are up about 3 inches. I didn't see any Jack-in-the-pulpit but there are usually a lot in that area. I will go back on Wednesday before work and check it out. It is still a pleasant walk since the mosquitoes are not buzzing around yet. Once they hatch it is just miserable down there. You have to make a choice between the beauty of nature and whether you want to be some insects dinner.

Yesterday was Ayla's first softball game. It was a perfect day for that. She had a couple of hits, scored once, got left on base once, and her team won. Mckenna had fun cheering for her - actually she cheered whenever anyone did regardless who they were rooting for. Today Caitlin and Mckenna are coming down and we are all headed to a baby shower.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another tree view

This is a different perspective of the Ash tree.
Thanks to Cynthia for her patient help to get this accompolished!
Love, Grandma/Mother

The end of the Ash tree

Stephen and Grandpa looking at the work ahead after the 96 year old tree fell. Cutting it down is the easy part! They hauled the branches off the yard and then with two days work our friend Art Kyler cut and split it all to warm his house next winter.
Grandpa, Stephen and Don
We had a good Easter with inspiring music and message at worship. Then a good time at
at Suzanne's. The little children loved the egg hunt. We learned that Sue and Jenny put Jay to sleep on Saturday. He was a well loved pet. The barn must be quiet today.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Jim, Gus and I went for a walk at the Conservatory down the road tonight. Still the only thing poking its way through the leaves is the skunk cabbage. This is a close up of the flower. There is lots of frost damage to the leaves that have come up but from past experience there is abundant skunk cabbage and I doubt it could kill it all off. We spent the rest of the day catching up on things in the yard, getting the bikes ready for the season, fixing the doors on the shed and trying to outwit the critter in the attic by making it harder to access the attic through the vent for the attic fan. We shall see how successful we were in a couple of hours.

I bought new pedals for my bike and shoes to clip into them. The plan was to put the new pedals on and go for a spin. Both Jim and I tried and tried but could not get the old pedals to budge which we had been warned about. I will be taking my bike into the bike shop on Tuesday and they will have to make the switch. Guess we have lost some strength in our old age.

Below is a picture of Mckenna modeling the baby blanket I made for her cousin-to-be Aiden. (Herb's sister is due in June and of course everyone always knows the sex prior to the actual event now) I have really enjoyed getting back into crocheting. My attempt at felting is needing some perfecting but I will go see Christine at the yarn shop on Tuesday to see what steps I need to take next. I know I have not passed the point of no return yet.

Have a great week.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ayla's Spring Break

Well Ayla stayed with us for the whole week of her spring break. We had alot of fun and kept very busy. Mckenna and Ayla played non-stop with eachother while I got to just enjoy watching them interact with eachother. Few things we did this week were; get a swing for Mckenna, make Rice Krispy Treat Easter Eggs and dip them in choc and decorate, played with other friends, took baths, played board games and went to the zoo just to name a few. Here are some pics from all are fun we had. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The MSU basketball season was terrific! Who ever thought at the beginning the Spartans would end up so well? These final games have been wonderful: the best was on Saturday when we played UConn. Don's family was here to enjoy our HD big screen TV and their cheers and comments are what made it more fun. We celebrated with chocolate sundaes--at the half when State was 2 points ahead. Dad didn't think they would come out on top at the end so he suggested we have our treat while they were ahead! Philip and Charlie called minutes after the win.

Sunday as the congregation was leaving the sanctuary, the organist played the MSU Fight Song and everyone joined in singing. That was a fun and unexpected departure after worship!

Well, last night didn't go as well. About 10 minutes into the game Philip called and said "Dave, you might as well go to bed!" By halftime Grandpa/ Dad was headed to bed, Charlie called and was surprised Grandpa/Dad was giving up. When we woke up in the morning, Dad checked the web to find out just how badly State lost.

I was glad to read in the newspaper that the students on campus were being good sports and supporting the team with cheers and song in spite of their disappointment.

Basketball will come again. GO STATE Love, Grandma/Mother

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Leaving Portland

We enjoyed the Japanese Garden yesterday and didn't get rained on. Another week or so and all the flowering trees will be in bloom and the leaves out. We are about that early for everything but there are tulips and daffodils and some flowering trees. Hopefully Michigan is not far behind.

We ate breakfast at this place 2x. The food was very good and I just loved there tag line - "You Eat Here because We Let You!

We had a great dinner at It's A Beautiful Pizza last night with Ashleigh and Kyle. I would have to say it was one of the best pizza's I have had. You could order anything you wanted by the slice - Jim had all meat, I had tomato, artichoke hearts, mushrooms and onion. The crust was perfect, the sauce tasty, and it was exactly what I wanted.

What are the odds we would be delayed by SNOW storms in Denver both ways? I wish I was enjoying Portland today since it is almost sunny and headed to 70. We are all practiced up for the rain and 47 degree predicted for Michigan this week.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Too old to be computer smart!

Caitlin helped me over the phone but I still can't get photos to the blog to share. The photos will be out of date but someday I'll get them into the blog!

We went shopping for a loveseat today. The new TV and having to rearrange the family room requires new furniture!

Thanks to Ashleigh and Cynthia for getting me on the Family Blog.

Love, Grandma/Mother

Mom's post from the 29th

I thought everyone would enjoy Mom's post from the 29th. For those of you who don't know mom somehow made a blog of her own which none of us could access. I think Ashleigh now has everything set so mom will not have any problem posting to the blog!

First week home!

Life at home is busy! Dad turned our tax information into the CPA, I took care of the mail we had on hold--I'd still be working on it if we didn't forward things to Sharon's address! We have been out to Sue's new house, it is being finished beautifully. Sue and Jenny must be getting very excited about moving in though that is still a few weeks away. Centralniters had a potluck at Murley's which was delicious and well attended. I went to Woman's Club for a program on Billy the Kid. New Mexico was a lawless and corrupt territory at his time! Saturday I picked up Dottie Stark for the Lenten Brunch at church and a good impersonation of Mary Todd Lincoln and Julliette Gordon Low. I got home just 10 minutes after Dad, Don and Stephen felled the big Ash tree in the front yard. Sorry I missed the crash. The three of them with two chain saws worked hard to cut off the branches and haul it all off the yard. Art Kyler happened to be driving by and stopped. He has happily accepted the wood from Dad's tree cutting since we stopped burning wood for heat. He will come over next week to cut up and split the trunk and haul it all to his woodpile for heating their house. It was good to be at Central for church today though we feel right at home in Sharon's church. There are many signs of spring around here but snow flurries in the afternoon prediction.

Love Grandma/Mother

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Santa Cruz Fun

Brian, Andy, David, Sharon,
Dana, Kayla, and Liane having fun in Santa Cruz, CA during Liane's Spring Break.

We played games in the sand. Mostly volleyball, but some hackey sack (with tail feathers, it's easier) and paddle ball.

Sun Bathing

Racing into the Surf

Body Surfing